When I first launched LAURACEA we didn’t have a website. For a long timeI handled almost every sale and I knew every customer - and their bags.
Customers would stop by our pop-up stores with their bags, send me photos
of their bags, or share a story about their bag. Some of the photographers
on the equestrian circuit will send me photos of bags "in the wild,"
because they know how much I enjoy seeing them.
While I am not able to personally meet each and every customer anymore,
I will never get tired of seeing LAURACEA bags “in the wild.”
Below are some of the photos we’ve collected over the years. We hope
you enjoy seeing our products out in the world, at horse shows, on suitcases,
on planes, and some of the other places that life has taken our amazing
customers (including the Grand Canyon). It’s so wonderful to see that while our
customers’ lives take them on many adventures, they always take their
LAURACEA bags along with them!
Sincerely, Tamara